Monday, 08 January 2018 08:13

VIODOM Seminars

The seminars of the new innovative materials of VIODOM continues successfully.

During this time, our company successfully completed several seminars where craftsmen of all specialties and professionals in the field, such as manufacturers and engineers, came into contact with our new products, knowing in particular the benefits and responses of the products on modern needs of the building.

The participants had the opportunity to see the application of the products in real conditions and had the opportunity to ask questions and to follow an interesting discussion.  

The purpose of VIODOM is to continue the seminars in order to give the opportunity for more people to be informed and educated about new developments in the field of building applications. For this reason, seminars and demonstrations should be continued at key nations across the country to give everyone the opportunity to participate.

For participation in subsequent seminars you can register at the following telephone numbers: 2310.555.620 & 23910.23670.


New VIODOM Catalogue
The new VIODOM product catalog is now available online. See…